ZON22-01008 “Gateway East” (District 6) Within the 5300 to 6200 blocks of South Ellsworth Road (west side). Located south of Ray Road and west of Ellsworth Road (273± acres). Rezone from Light Industrial with a Planned Area Development Overlay (LI-PAD) to Light Industrial with a new Planned Area Development Overlay (LI-PAD) and Council Use Permit to allow for a commercial and industrial development. Ordinance No. 5787
This request will replace the existing Williams Gateway Industrial Development Master Plan with a new Planned Area Development which will establish unique development standards, allow the proposed project to be phased, and allow for private streets. Wendy Riddell, Berry Riddell LLC, applicant; Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport Authority, owner.
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 5-0)