| 2 | Minutes | Approval of minutes of previous meetings as written. | | |
Not available
| 3-a | Liquor License Application | Pizza Roma Italian Cafe
A restaurant that serves lunch and dinner is requesting a new Series 12 Restaurant License for Adro LLC, 7145 East Main Street - Erika Rae Renee Owen, agent. There is no existing license at this location. (District 2) | | |
Not available
| 3-b | Liquor License Application | Mango Mini Mart
A convenience store is requesting a new Series 10 Beer & Wine Store License for AFG Petroleum LLC, 760 South Alma School Road - Abdul Shohab Nazary, agent. The existing license held by MV4 Enterprise LLC will revert to the State. (District 3) | | |
Not available
| 4-a | Contract | Cooperative Job Order Contract Use for Pool Construction Services - Brimhall Pool Replaster - Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) (District 2)
This project includes design services, permitting, removal and replacement of the pool interior finish, structural and tile repairs, ADA improvements, lifeguard chair replacements, drain upgrades for safety, and other associated improvements.
Staff recommend authorizing the use of the City of Scottsdale’s Cooperative Job Order Contract with Shasta Industries for this project, awarding Shasta Industries a GMP contract in the amount of $746,825.00 and authorizing a change order allowance in the amount of $74,682.50 (10%) for a total amount of $821,507.50. This project is funded by the Capital General Fund. | | |
Not available
| 4-b | Contract | Dollar Limit Increase to the Term Contract for Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) and Aftermarket Refuse Body and Sweeper Body Parts for the Fleet Services Department (Citywide)
This contract provides OEM and aftermarket refuse body and sweeper body parts. The vendors are required to provide quality replacement, OEM and aftermarket parts, and timely delivery. The dollar limit increase is due to increased need and the rise in costs for parts.
The Fleet Services Department and Procurement Services recommend increasing the dollar limit with Wastebuilt Environmental; Western Refuse & Recycling Eq. Inc.; Lacal Equipment, Inc.; Balar Holding Corp. dba Balar Equipment; Amrep Manufacturing, LLC; AZ Wastewater Industries, Inc.; and BTE Body Company (formerly Dadee Manufacturing, LLC), by $315,000, from $1,000,000 to $1,315,000 for the remaining term of the contract. | | |
Not available
| 4-c | Contract | Dollar Limit Increase to the Term Contract for Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Heavy-Duty Truck Parts and Repairs for the Fleet Services and Mesa Fire and Medical Departments (MFMD) (Citywide)
This contract provides several vendors for OEM heavy-duty truck parts and service repairs and has established heavy-duty truck service labor rates and associated pricing required to complete repairs. MFMD uses this contract for their fire apparatus engine repairs and replacement services with W.W. Williams Company LLC, the only OEM repair contractor who can work on Detroit engines. This contract was extended for six (6) months. The dollar limit increase is due to the increased need for future services until a new contract is established.
The Fleet Services and Mesa Fire and Medical Departments and Procurement Services recommend increasing the dollar limit with Cummins, Inc. (a Mesa business); RWC International, LTD dba RWC Group; Rush Truck Center of Arizona dba Rush Truck Center, Phoenix; and W.W. Williams Company, LLC by $900,000, from $1,720,000 to $2,620,000 for the remaining te | | |
Not available
| 4-d | Contract | Dollar Limit Increase to the Term Contract for Landscape Maintenance Services for Parks, Retention Basins and Sports Fields - Zone 1, for the Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities Department (PRCF) (Citywide)
This contract provides landscape maintenance services for sports fields, parkways, parks, retention basins, and grounds adjacent to City facilities. Zone 1 encompasses 634.46 acres of park and retention basin land between Power Road and Meridian Road. The dollar limit increase is needed for the Red Mountain Park Baseball/Softball and Red Mountain Sports Fields expansion.
PRCF and Procurement Services recommend increasing the dollar limit with Mariposa Landscape Arizona, Inc. by $385,345.20 from $2,106,142.15 to $2,491,487.35 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5% or the adjusted Consumer Price Index. | | |
Not available
| 4-e | Contract | Dollar Limit Increase to the Term Contract for Event Security/Crowd Management Services for the Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities and Arts and Culture Departments (PRCF) (Citywide)
This contract provides event security/crowd management for concerts and event security at the Mesa Arts Center, Mesa Amphitheatre, and Mesa Convention Center on an as-needed basis. The need for event security/crowd management services has increased.
PRCF, Arts and Culture Departments and Procurement Services recommend increasing the dollar limit with Estaff, Inc. dba Estaff Security, Inc.; Year 5 by $159,000, from $300,000 to $459,000 for the remaining term of the contract. | | |
Not available
| 5-a | Resolution | Modifying fees and charges for the Arts and Culture Department. (Citywide) Resolution No. 12210 | | |
Not available
| 5-b | Resolution | Modifying fees and charges for the Business Services Department. (Citywide) Resolution No. 12211 | | |
Not available
| 5-c | Resolution | Modifying fees and charges for the Development Services Department. (Citywide) Resolution No. 12212 | | |
Not available
| 5-d | Resolution | Modifying fees and charges for the Falcon Field Airport. (Citywide) Resolution No. 12213 | | |
Not available
| 5-e | Resolution | Modifying fees and charges for the Mesa Fire and Medical Department. (Citywide) Resolution No. 12214 | | |
Not available
| 5-f | Resolution | Modifying fees and charges for the Municipal Court. (Citywide) Resolution No. 12215 | | |
Not available
| 5-g | Resolution | Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a five-year Intergovernmental Agreement with the Phoenix Mesa Gateway Airport Authority, in which the Mesa Police Department will provide dedicated law enforcement services to the Phoenix Mesa Gateway Airport. (Citywide) Resolution No. 12216 | | |
Not available
| 5-h | Resolution | Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Maricopa Association of Governments for the acceptance of the 2024 Design Assistance Grant in the amount of $52,899 for the Red Mountain Multimodal Study. (District 5) Resolution No. 12217 | | |
Not available
| 5-i | Resolution | Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Arizona Game and Fish Commission to administer the Community Fishing Program in Mesa. (Citywide) Resolution No. 12218 | | |
Not available
| 5-j | Resolution | Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Regional Public Transportation Authority (RPTA) to participate in the Platinum Transit Pass Program in Mesa. (Citywide) Resolution No. 12219 | | |
Not available
| 5-k | Resolution | Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a 25-year Purchase Power Agreement with Solon Corporation for four downtown Mesa solar projects. (District 4) Resolution No. 12220
The projects will consist of constructing solar photovoltaic generating systems at four sites in Mesa: the CK Luster Building, the Mesa Main Library, Solid Waste Building and Utilities Meter Shop, and the north and south parking lots of the Transportation Building. The vendor will privately finance, develop, design, construct, own, report, operate, and maintain the system. Energy Resources will purchase this solar energy from the projects for use in its electric supply portfolio. | | |
Not available
| 5-l | Resolution | Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Town of Gilbert for the installation and maintenance of a 36-inch City reuse pipeline and related appurtenances within the Town’s limits. Resolution No. 12221 | | |
Not available
| 5-m | Resolution | Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG) Coalition Memorandum of Agreement between City of Phoenix and Coalition Members City of Mesa, City of Tempe, Maricopa County, and State of Arizona to set objectives and agreement terms among Coalition Members to implement CPRG Activities, specifically Fleet Electrification and Food Waste to Energy - Preprocessing Facility as proposed in the Resilient Maricopa-Pinal County Region Priority Climate Implementation Plan. (Citywide) Resolution No. 12222 | | |
Not available
| 5-n | Resolution | Designating the Chief Fiscal Officer with the authority to submit the City’s 2024/2025 fiscal year Expenditure Limitation Report to the Arizona Auditor General on behalf of the City Council, as required by state statute. (Citywide) Resolution No. 12223 | | |
Not available
| 5-o | Resolution | Adopting a pension funding policy and accepting the employer’s share of assets and liabilities under the Public Safety Personnel Retirement System as required by A.R.S. §38-863.01. (Citywide) Resolution 12224 | | |
Not available
| 5-p | Resolution | Calling a special bond election to submit to the qualified electors of the City of Mesa, in conjunction with the General Election to be held on November 5, 2024, the question of authorizing the issuance and sale of general obligation bonds of the City for the purpose of funding projects intended to (i) Enhance Community Safety such as public safety, fire and medical, and law enforcement facilities and improvements, related equipment, apparatuses, technology and communication systems, and transportation improvements for safer streets for all users; and (ii) Enhance Recreational Facilities and Expand Educational and Cultural Experiences such as parks, water conservation projects in parks, aquatic centers, recreational facilities, historic properties, and children’s museums, and further designating the manner in which the election is conducted, the translation of election materials, voter registration deadlines and early voting dates. (Citywide) Resolution No. 12225 | | |
Not available
| 5-q | Resolution | Designating the General Election date as November 5, 2024 and the purpose of the General Election including providing the deadline for filing arguments for and against ballot measures, deadline for voter registration, and providing times that polls will be open. (Citywide) Resolution No. 12226 | | |
Not available
| 6-a | Ordinance | ZON22-00267 "Berge - Signal Butte and Williams Field" (District 6) Within the 10600 and 11000 blocks of East Williams Field Road (south side) and within the 6200 and 6300 blocks of South Signal Butte Road (both sides). Located south of Williams Field Road on both sides of Signal Butte Road (125± acres). Rezone from Agricultural (AG), Light Industrial with a Planned Area Development overlay (LI-PAD), General Commercial with a Planned Area Development overlay (GC-PAD), and General Industrial (GI) to General Commercial with a Planned Area Development overlay (GC-PAD) and Light Industrial with a Planned Area Development overlay (LI-PAD), and Council Use Permit (CUP). This request will allow for the future development of an auto mall, large commercial development, and a multiple residence development. Michael Schuerman, owner; Pew & Lake, applicant. Ordinance No. 5857
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (7-0) | | |
Not available
| 7-a | Ordinance | ZON23-00796 "Pecos & Mountain" (District 6) Within the 11200 block of East Pecos Road (north side). Located west of Meridian Road and north of Pecos Road (2± acres). Major Site Plan Modification and amending the conditions of approval for Case No. Z14-057. This request will allow for an industrial development. Ian Mulich, Pinnacle Design Inc., applicant; High Voltage Holdings, LLC, owner. Ordinance No. 5856
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 7-0) | | |
Not available
| 8-a | Public Hearing | Conduct a public hearing on the Five-Year Capital Improvement Program for fiscal years ending 2025-2029. | | |
Not available
| 8-b | Resolution | Resolution approving the Five-Year Capital Improvement Program for fiscal years ending 2025-2029. (Citywide) Resolution No. 12227 | | |
Not available