Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Design Review Board Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/11/2025 4:30 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Lower Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Results Minutes Results Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction Details
DSN 25007 2-aDSN MinutesMinutes from the February 11, 2025 Design Review Board meeting.   Not available
DSN 25008 3-aDSN ActionDRB23-00144 - "Glenscott," 1± acre located approximately 2,000 feet southwest of the southwest corner of East Pecos Road and South Ellsworth Road. Site Plan Review and Design Review for an industrial development. Glenscott LLC, Owner; Ernesto Ramirez, Chavez and Associates, Applicant. (District 6) Staff Planner: Kwasi Abebrese Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions   Not available
DSN 25009 4-aDSN ActionDRB24-01010 - "Medina Station Freeway Landmark Monument," 61± acres located at the southeast corner of East Southern Avenue and South Signal Butte Road. Design Review for a Freeway Landmark Monument. Bela Flor Holdings, LLC, Owner; James Rogers, Davis Signs & Graphics, Applicant. (District 5) Staff Planner: Cassidy Welch Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions   Not available
DSN 25010 5-aDSN ActionDRB24-00852- "Gateway Auto Mall Design Guidelines," 62± acres site located at the northeast and northwest corners of East Pecos Road and South Signal Butte Road. Design Review for the Gateway Auto Mall Design Guidelines. Gateway Land Investments LLC, Owner; Pew and Lake, Applicant. (District 6) Staff Planner: Joshua Grandlienard Staff Recommendation: Approval   Not available
DSN 25011 6-aDSN PresentationDRB23-00433 - "Circle K at NWC Elliot and Signal Butte," 1± acres located at the northwest corner of East Elliot Road and South Signal Butte Road. Design Review of a Service Station. Circle K Stores Inc., Owner; Steve Bowser, Helix Engineering, LLC., Applicant. (District 6) Staff Planner: Charlotte Bridges   Not available
DSN 25012 6-bDSN PresentationDRB24-00961 - "Longbow 202 Shell Building," 6.5± acres located approximately 840 feet west of the northwest corner of East McDowell Road and North Recker Road. Design Review for an industrial development. J & R Repair Service of Arizona LLC, Owner; Karen Ohmann, Deutsch Architecture Group, Applicant. (District 5) Staff Planner: Kwasi Abebrese   Not available
DSN 25013 6-cDSN PresentationDRB24-01009 - "AZ International Market at NEC of Broadway and Dobson Rd," 14.5± acres located at 1832 W. Broadway Road. Design Review for an existing multi-tenant commercial development. Mekong Real Estate Investment Group LLC, Owner; Marian McKersie, RKAA Architects, Inc., Applicant. (District 3) Staff Planner: Emily Johnson   Not available
DSN 25014 6-dDSN PresentationDRB24-01077 - "Get Air Sports Mesa," 3.5± acres located at the northeast corner of South Ellsworth Road and East Elliot Road. Design Review for a Small-Scale Commercial Recreation facility and attached commercial uses. Elliot & Ellsworth Investment Properties LLC, Owner; John Holman, EPS Group, Applicant. (District 6) Staff Planner: Mallory Ress   Not available
DSN 25015 6-eDSN PresentationDRB25-00044 - "LivAway Mesa Greenfield," 4.5± acres located approximately 2000 feet north of the northeast corner of South Greenfield Road and East Baseline Road. Design Review for a Hotel. SREG GREENFIELD LLC, Owner; Kelly Bell, Applicant. (District 2) Staff Planner: Joshua Grandlienard   Not available