Beetle Bodega
A convenience store is requesting a new Series 10 Beer and Wine Store License for Beetle Bodega LLC, 40 North Macdonald Suites 1N & 2N - Jeffrey Craig Miller, agent. The existing Series 7 Beer & Wine Bar License held by Organic Bean Café and Wine LLC will remain in an inactive status until it’s either sold or transferred to a different location. (District 4)
Recommendation for Denial: Mesa City Staff recommend the City Council enter an order recommending disapproval of the liquor license application because public convenience and the best interests of the community will not be substantially served by issuing the license. The applicant has not obtained all necessary permits for which the applicant was liable at the time of the liquor license application. Specifically, the applicant has not obtained the Tenant Improvement Permit or the Certificate of Occupancy for the building expansion into Suite 2N as required by Mesa City Code 4-1-4. Additionally, the applicant has ...