File #: 25-0233   
Type: Contract Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council
On agenda: 3/17/2025
Title: Dollar Limit Increase for the Purchase of Two CNG Powered Automated Side Loader Refuse Trucks (One Addition and One Replacement) and Two Front Loader Refuse Trucks (Additions) for the Solid Waste and Fleet Services Departments (Citywide) This purchase will provide two heavy-duty CNG Powered Automated Side Loader refuse trucks to collect materials in the City's barrel program and two Front Loader refuse trucks to collect materials for bin customers. A supply shortage reduced vehicle production in the automotive industry, limiting the number of vehicles government agencies could order. The initial quote was based on a 2024 model, but since the vehicles are now available as 2025 models, the quote has been updated. Based on the revised quote, a dollar limit increase is needed. The Solid Waste and Fleet Services Departments and Procurement Services recommend increasing the dollar limit with Rush Truck Centers of Arizona dba Rush Truck Center Phoenix by $185,120.63 from $1,932,684.54 to ...
Attachments: 1. Council Report
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Dollar Limit Increase for the Purchase of Two CNG Powered Automated Side Loader Refuse Trucks (One Addition and One Replacement) and Two Front Loader Refuse Trucks (Additions) for the Solid Waste and Fleet Services Departments (Citywide)

This purchase will provide two heavy-duty CNG Powered Automated Side Loader refuse trucks to collect materials in the City's barrel program and two Front Loader refuse trucks to collect materials for bin customers.


A supply shortage reduced vehicle production in the automotive industry, limiting the number of vehicles government agencies could order. The initial quote was based on a 2024 model, but since the vehicles are now available as 2025 models, the quote has been updated. Based on the revised quote, a dollar limit increase is needed.

The Solid Waste and Fleet Services Departments and Procurement Services recommend increasing the dollar limit with Rush Truck Centers of Arizona dba Rush Truck Center Phoenix by $185,120.63 from $1,932,684.54 to $2,117,805.17. This purchase is funded by the Solid Waste Development Fee and Utility Replacement Renewal and Extension Fund.