File #: 25-0230   
Type: Contract Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council
On agenda: 3/17/2025
Title: Use of a Cooperative Contract for the Purchase of Two Utility Service Body Crew Trucks (Replacements) for the Fleet Services and Water Resources Departments (Citywide) The Water Resources Department is requesting two water utility crew trucks to replace two that have met the end of their useful life. These crew trucks are used by Water Utility Services to transport tools, equipment, backhoes, excavators, and heavy equipment trailers to complete water line repairs throughout the City. The Fleet Services and Water Resources Departments and Procurement Services recommend authorizing the purchase using the State of Arizona cooperative contract with Freightliner of Arizona, LLC at $622,000 based on estimated requirements.
Attachments: 1. Council Report
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Use of a Cooperative Contract for the Purchase of Two Utility Service Body Crew Trucks (Replacements) for the Fleet Services and Water Resources Departments (Citywide)

The Water Resources Department is requesting two water utility crew trucks to replace two that have met the end of their useful life. These crew trucks are used by Water Utility Services to transport tools, equipment, backhoes, excavators, and heavy equipment trailers to complete water line repairs throughout the City.

The Fleet Services and Water Resources Departments and Procurement Services recommend authorizing the purchase using the State of Arizona cooperative contract with Freightliner of Arizona, LLC at $622,000 based on estimated requirements.