File #: 15-0552   
Type: Contract Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council
On agenda: 5/18/2015
Title: City Wells 7 and 8, Desert Wells 19 and 20 (Districts 4 and 6) These projects will replace two existing wells located in downtown Mesa, which have deteriorated and become unusable. Wells in the "City Zone" help to meet peak demands during normal operation and are the only source of water supply when the Val Vista Water Treatment Plant is shut down for maintenance. This project will also drill two new wells near Signal Butte Road and Elliot Road that will contribute water to meet increasing water demands due to growth in the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport area. Recommend award to Arizona Beeman Drilling in the amount of $5,311,364.30, based on the lowest responsible bid of $4,828,513.00, plus an additional $482,851.30(10% allowance for change orders). This project is funded by the 2010 and 2014 authorized Water bonds.
Strategic initiatives: Financial Stability, Quality of Life, Regional Leadership
Attachments: 1. Council Report, 2. Exhibit A, 3. Exhibit B
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City Wells 7 and 8, Desert Wells 19 and 20 (Districts 4 and 6)
These projects will replace two existing wells located in downtown Mesa, which have deteriorated and become unusable.  Wells in the "City Zone" help to meet peak demands during normal operation and are the only source of water supply when the Val Vista Water Treatment Plant is shut down for maintenance.  This project will also drill two new wells near Signal Butte Road and Elliot Road that will contribute water to meet increasing water demands due to growth in the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport area.
Recommend award to Arizona Beeman Drilling in the amount of $5,311,364.30, based on the lowest responsible bid of $4,828,513.00, plus an additional $482,851.30(10% allowance for change orders). This project is funded by the 2010 and 2014 authorized Water bonds.