Broadway Road Improvements - Power Road to Sossaman Road. (District 5)
During construction, unstable soil conditions were discovered that required additional labor and materials to prepare the roadway sub-grade before Broadway Road could be paved. Also, the City plans to build a short segment of a new masonry wall along the Broadway Road frontage due to road widening and curbs becoming closer to homes. The increase of the contract amount for this project is requested to cover the cost of unstable soil conditions, and an upgrade to the existing fencing with a masonry wall, which will provide a more uniform corridor appearance for Broadway Road between Power and Hawes.
Recommend that Council increase Skanska USA Civil West's construction contract by $250,000.00, for a new total award of $5,199,533.99. The new total award amount is comprised of the original award amount of $4,949,533.99, and $250,000.00 for the added scope-of-work. This project is funded by 2013 authorized Street bond.