File #: PZ 25020   
Type: PZ Zoning - Action Status: Agenda Ready
In control: Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing
On agenda: 3/12/2025
Title: ZON24-01061 "The Rosetta Room," 0.4± acres located at 104 E. 1st Avenue. Site Plan Review and Special Use Permit for a 6,650± square foot commercial entertainment, coffee shop, and general retail development. Glen Kelly, MGKELLY COMPANY LLC, Owner; Michelle Donovan, Applicant. (District 4) Planner: Chloe Durfee Daniel Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. Vicinity Map, 3. Narrative, 4. Site Plan, 5. Landscape Plan, 6. Elevations, 7. Rosetta Room Good Neighbor Policy, 8. Citizen Participation Plan, 9. Citizen Participation Report, 10. Presentation
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ZON24-01061 "The Rosetta Room," 0.4± acres located at 104 E. 1st Avenue. Site Plan Review and Special Use Permit for a 6,650± square foot commercial entertainment, coffee shop, and general retail development. Glen Kelly, MGKELLY COMPANY LLC, Owner; Michelle Donovan, Applicant. (District 4)


Planner: Chloe Durfee Daniel

Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions