Dollar-Limit Increase to the Term Contract for Supplemental Computers, Ruggedized Laptops and Tablets for Various City Departments as requested by the Information Technology Department (Citywide)
In September 2017, Council approved the annual contract amount of $275,000 for supplemental purchases of computer hardware and services. The initial amount for the supplemental purchases was based off of spending from the previous 2 years. Due to a higher than anticipated number of IT purchase requests from City departments, the Information Technology Department is requesting an increase of $125,000 annually, for the supplemental purchases to meet the ongoing technology needs of the departments.
The Information Technology Department and Purchasing recommend increasing the dollar-limit using the State of Arizona, National IPA and US Communities cooperative contracts with Dell Marketing LP; Apple Computer, Inc.; Panasonic Solutions; and Insight Public Sector; by $125,000, from $275,000 to $4...