File #: 18-0926   
Type: Contract Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council
On agenda: 8/20/2018
Title: Purchase of Carbon Replacement for Aeration Basin Towers at the Greenfield and Northwest Wastewater Reclamation Plants as requested by the Water Resources Department (Citywide) The Greenfield plant has three odor control tanks/towers and anticipates having the carbon replaced in two during the first year of the contract and the third in the second year. The Northwest plant has three odor control tanks/towers and intends to have the carbon replaced in two and the carbon removed from the third, so it can be decommissioned during the first year. The Water Resources Department and Purchasing recommend awarding the contract to the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder, Carbon Activated Corp., at $243,266, with $199,370 funded in FY 2018/19 and $43,896 funded in FY 2019/20. This purchase is funded in the Water Resources Department operating budget through the Greenfield WRP Joint Venture Fund and Wastewater Operations and Maintenance budget. .
Attachments: 1. Council Report
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Purchase of Carbon Replacement for Aeration Basin Towers at the Greenfield and Northwest Wastewater Reclamation Plants as requested by the Water Resources Department (Citywide)

The Greenfield plant has three odor control tanks/towers and anticipates having the carbon replaced in two during the first year of the contract and the third in the second year.  The Northwest plant has three odor control tanks/towers and intends to have the carbon replaced in two and the carbon removed from the third, so it can be decommissioned during the first year.

The Water Resources Department and Purchasing recommend awarding the contract to the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder, Carbon Activated Corp., at $243,266, with $199,370 funded in FY 2018/19 and $43,896 funded in FY 2019/20.  This purchase is funded in the Water Resources Department operating budget through the Greenfield WRP Joint Venture Fund and Wastewater Operations and Maintenance budget. .