Purchase to Replace and Upgrade Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Historian Software as requested by the Water Resources Department (Sole Source) (Citywide)
SCADA software has been in place in Utilities for approximately 18 years. It is used to monitor and control the four utilities: Water, Wastewater, Gas and Electric. This software is the heart of the utilities system, which allows operators to monitor and control water pressures, monitor wastewater collection, monitor gas pressures, and monitor and control the electric substations. This purchase will provide GE Intelligent Platforms, Historian Software to replace and update outdated communication drivers and Industrial Gateway Servers, communication drivers from the existing iFix software on the SCADA server to the hardware in the field.
The Water Resources Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the purchase with the sole source vendor, GE Intelligent Platforms Inc., at $26,333.96.